Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Task Force Invitation and Charge

This is the email I received from Provost Breslauer with the history and charge of the Task Force.

"October 18th, 2010

Elliott Goldstein

Dear Elliott,

I am writing to invite you to serve on a Task Force which will be responsible for reviewing aspects of Berkeley’s Code of Student Conduct. I believe your valuable and informed perspectives will contribute to the success of this important endeavor. The Task Force will be co-chaired by Vice Chancellor Harry Le Grande and Academic Senate Vice Chair and Professor Bob Jacobsen. The work of the Task Force is expected to conclude by the end of spring semester 2011.

Introduction and Background
During the 2009-10 academic year, there were several disruptive protests on campus. In cases where violations of the Code of Student Conduct were alleged, students were referred to the Center for Student Conduct. Some of these cases raised questions and concerns regarding facilitation of the student conduct process and whether policies and processes were fair in content and application.

Last spring, I accepted Vice Chancellor Harry Le Grande’s request to appoint a task force to review our current Code of Student Conduct. The Code of Student Conduct was last reviewed in 2003 and that committee, composed of students, faculty, and staff, made several substantive recommendations that have been implemented since that time.

The work of the 2003 review committee was “…guided by a belief that as an educational institution, the campus has an obligation to use the student conduct process as an educational opportunity.” This philosophy provides the framework for our current student conduct policies and processes; however, questions have been raised about the scope and limits of the educational approach. In addition, there have been questions raised related to the processes associated with the administration of the Code of Student Conduct.

Therefore, I am charging this Task Force to address the specific issues raised this past year by students, faculty, and staff involved in student conduct issues. The Task Force will be provided with background material including the current Code of Student Conduct, modifications to the Code policies and processes made since the 2003 review, and the 2003 Code of Student Conduct Final Report and Recommendations, among others.

Task Force Charge
Acknowledging the importance of balancing the rights and responsibilities of the individual student and the campus community at-large, as well as protecting the integrity of the institution and its values, the Task Force will conduct a review to ensure that the current policies and processes in the areas listed below are fair in applicability, consistent in process, and timely in resolution. The Task Force will not review the Code in its entirety but will specifically address the following areas:

1. Code timelines (e.g., are timelines fair, realistic and/or appropriate?)

2. Communication process (e.g., clarity on notice of charges and next steps)

3. Decision rights and representation at various stages of the conduct process

4. Capacity of department (e.g., staffing parameters, case load, and student needs)

5. Consequences (e.g. interim suspension) and sanctions (e.g. writing essays)

6. Congruence with best practices related to these areas of student conduct on college campuses

Task Force Composition
The Task Force membership was formed with a goal of ensuring a broad representation of campus constituencies affected by the Code while recognizing the realities of managing an aggressive timeline and integrating complicated individual schedules. The group is composed of representatives from the faculty (3 from the Academic Senate and 3 faculty at-large), students (2 from ASUC, 2 from Graduate Assembly, 2 from the Student Advocates Office, and 1 student-at-large from the Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs Advisory Council), and 1 staff each from the Office of Legal Affairs, Office of the Dean of Students, UC Police Department, and the Graduate Division.

The Task Force is expected to seek input from a wide range of faculty and student voices so that its deliberations include points of view that may not be represented by the membership of the Task Force.

Staff support for the Task Force will be coordinated by Felicia Lee, Chief of Staff, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, with help from her Executive Assistant, Laura McBride. Felicia can be reached at fjlee@berkeley.edu. Meeting arrangements will be handled by Laura who can be reached at lmcbride@berkeley.edu or 642-6757.

Please reply to my Chief of Staff, Phyllis Hoffman (phoffman@berkeley.edu), to confirm your ability to serve. Thank you for your willingness to contribute to this very important effort.


George W. Breslauer
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

cc: Chancellor Birgeneau
Professor Bob Jacobsen, Physics
Chief of Staff Phyllis Hoffman, Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Chief of Staff Felicia Lee, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff Laura McBride, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs"

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